
Clustering is a widely used technique in data mining applications and various pattern recognition applications, in which data objects are divided into groups. K-means algorithm is one of the most classical clustering algorithms. In this algorithm, the initial clustering centers are randomly selected, this results in unstable clustering results. To solve this problem, an optimized algorithm to select the initial centers is proposed. In the proposed algorithm, dispersion degree is defined, which is based on entropy. In the algorithm, all the objects are firstly grouped into a big cluster, and the object that has the maximum dispersion degree and the object that has the minimum dispersion degree are selected as the initial clustering centers from the initial big cluster. And then other objects in the biggest cluster are partitioned to the initial clusters to which the objects are nearest. The partition process will be repeated until the cluster number is equal to the specified value k. Finally, the partitioned k clusters and their cluster centers are applied to k-means algorithm as initial clusters and centers. Several experiments are conducted on real data sets to evaluate the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm is compared with traditional k-means algorithm and max-min distance clustering algorithm, and experimental results show that the improved k-means algorithm is stable in selecting initial clustering, because it can select unique initial clustering centers. The optimized algorithm’s effectiveness and feasibility are also verified by experiments, and the algorithm can reduce the times of iterations and has more stable clustering results and higher accuracy.

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