
Traditional link prediction methods of social network are vulnerable to the influence of network structure and have poor generalization, and only on a small number of networks and evaluation indicators. To improve the stability and accuracy of link prediction, this paper assembles 15 similarity indexes, introduces the idea of stacking into the link prediction of complex networks, and presents a link prediction method (Logistic-regression LightGBM Stacking Link Prediction, LLSLP). Firstly, social network link prediction is regarded as a binary classification problem. Secondly, the hyper parameters of the basic model are determined by using cross-validation and grid searching; thirdly, Logistic-regression and LightGBM are integrated by stacked generalization; Finally, take 10 different networks as practical examples. The feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed method are verified by comparing 7 evaluation indicators. The experimental results show that: the proposed method is not only more than 98.71% higher than the traditional CN (Common Neighbor) and other models are 10.52% higher on average. In addition, compared with the traditional 15 link prediction algorithms, |$F1- score$| value and |$MCC$| (Matthews Correlation Coefficient) value is increased by 3.2% ~ 9.7% and 5.9% ~ 14% respectively. The proposed method has good accuracy and generalization. It can also be applied to recommendation system.

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