The workshop will be introduced by EUPHA and will be structured as a round table comprising: i) an introduction, ii) country case-study descriptions iii) a moderated discussion and recommendations for EUPHA advocacy. In 2017-2018, the discussion about the legalization of marijuana is back at the forefront with several States in the US and Canada opting for legalized marijuana. The trend is for the introduction of medical marijuana to be followed by legislation for the use of recreational marijuana. In Europe, the Netherlands has a long standing tradition of legal marijuana use. Israel, Italy, Czech Republic, Croatia and Malta have legalized medical marijuana. Belgium, the Netherlands and Switzerland are allowing recreational marijuana (toleration policy). In Malta and Slovenia there are discussions about legalizing recreational marijuana. The toleration policy of allowing (legalizing) recreational marijuana is not a public health measure, but a measure against nuisance and criminality. But public health issues are involved: psychiatrists have voiced their concerns about use of marijuana and psychosis. Proponents of legalising recreational marijuana highlight the harm reduction approach. Anecdotal reports have linked large tobacco interests with the growing medical marijuana industry. Will marijuana become the next tobacco and alcohol ‘legal substance with harmful side-effects'? What should the European Public Health response be? How can we equip national public health associations with the evidence and arguments? This round table will introduce the topic by providing an overview of the scientific evidence and policy landscape. This will be followed by short country experiences from Israel, Canada, the Netherlands, Malta, Slovenia, Belgium and Switzerland. Panelists will seek to provide answers to the questions posed and will come up with suggestions for EUPHA to take up in its advocacy efforts.

Invited panelists:

Belgium: Xavier Leus

France: Yves Charpak

Germany: Ansgar Gerhardus

Israel: Nadav Davidovich

Malta: Julian Mamo

Netherlands: Koos van der Velden

Slovenia: Vesna Kerstin Petric

Switzerland: Corina Wirth

Key messages:

  • Legalisation of marijuana poses public health policy dilemmas pitting harm reduction and liberal neo-European policies against traditional public health protection measures.

  • Marijuana may be fast becoming the next tobacco and alcohol industry.

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