
The purpose of this study was to explain the health promoting behaviors of older women in South Korea using a structural equation model. The health promotion model developed by Pender was used. A survey using self-administered questionnaires was carried out between 2 October 2016 and 26 November 2016, with 252 older women ≥65 years living in Korea. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The fitness parameters of the modified model (χ2 = 227.243, df = 176, χ2/df = 1.29, p =0.006, root mean square error of approximation = 0.034, goodness of fit index = 0.927, Tucker−Lewis Index = 0.979, comparative fit index = 0.984, normed fit index = 0.933) indicated its suitability as the research model. Perceived benefits of action and social support directly influenced health promoting behavior, and prior related behavior indirectly influenced health promoting behavior. Interventions should aim to directly improve social support and perceived benefits to increase health promoting behaviors.

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