
The distribution and feeding ecology of Raja radiata in the deeper parts of the northeastern North Sea and Skagerrak (i.e. the Norwegian Deep) are described from data obtained from research cruises in 1984–1987 and 1995–1996. R. radiata was found in the entire area but was particularly abundant in the Skagerrak. The larger individuals were most abundant in waters less than 300 m but there were indications of a movement towards deeper waters in winter. The comparatively shallow areas off the west coast of Norway are probably used as nurseries. Maturity was attained from a total length of 45 cm onwards in both males and females. The diet of juveniles and adolescents consisted mainly of polychaetes and crangonid shrimps. Upon reaching maturity, a major diet shift to fish, larger shrimps and squat lobsters (Munida) occurred.

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