This study investigated whether 184 volunteers from 20 to 79 years of age could perform eight timed balance tests and examined the relationship between test performance and age. All subjects were able to balance with their feet together and eyes closed for 30 seconds. The ability to balance on the right and left legs did not differ significantly. Subjects over 60 years of age were unable to balance on one leg, particularly when their eyes were closed, for as long a period as younger subjects. The Pearson product-moment and Spearman correlations of age and duration of one-legged balance were −.65 and −.71 (eyes opened) and −.79 and −.75 (eyes closed). The findings suggest that when timed balance tests are performed as a part of a patient's neurologic examination, the results should be interpreted in light of the patient's age. Information is provided to assist in this interpretation.

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